Who Is On Our Refrigerator?

Excitement and post-worthy material seem to be in short supply for us these days. We are spending most of our time studying Spanish. These days we have exchanged the excitement of traveling and speaking engagements as we built our partnership network for the routine of class work and language acquisition. Gone is the excitement of meeting new people and seeing new places, now is the time of vocabulary lists and grammatical rules. We seem to be in the in-between place. We fondly remember the excitement of the fundraising road and we look forward to the adventure of the mission field. In the meantime we rest in the clarity of our calling, we give ourselves to our study and we are grateful for this in-between time. Despite our minor language learning victories and our general happiness during this time it is difficult to keep our website exciting. Not much happens on our daily walk to and from school, and our grand adventure through the world of Spanish grammatica doesn’t seem all that captivating (we have just learned about the subjunctive and are now reviewing simple commands!). So, what excites us these days? Aside from actually understanding our taxi driver or catching the general direction of a sermon we get excited about what God has called us to do, and we relish hearing the stories and calling of other missionaries. We would like to share with you our excitement over the missionaries whose photos grace the door of our refrigerator.


In this post we would like you to meet our neighbors David and Lindsay Godsey (click on their names to learn more about them). We met the Godsey family on our first day in Costa Rica and became instant friends. David and Lindsay were police officers turned missionaries. They are currently wrapping up their last trimester of Spanish training and then they are returning to the United States to complete their fundraising. Our friends are working with Reaching & Teaching and are going to serve in Ecuador. It is good to have friends with a similar calling!  We can’t wait to see what God does through this wanderful family in Ecuador.

We invite you to join us in prayer for them that their fundraising needs will be met and that God will continue to bless them along the way.

In His grip, imageThe Downings

(click here if you would like to become ministry partners with us!)

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