Missions are the chief end of the Church… the chief end of the ministry ought to be to equip the Church for this. Each congregation is meant to be a training class.

Andrew Murray

Our missionary effort is simply a reflection of Christ’s incarnation. His incarnation is a reflection of the Father’s love for our sin-sick world. Just as Christ was sent as a wounded healer so are we. Not only is each ministry to equip the Church for this heavenly commission but each of us have the privilege of becoming the incarnation of our Father’s love right where we live or wherever we travel! 

The most natural thing for a Christian to do is to be on mission for Christ. The most natural thing for a Congregation to do is to equip each believer to be on this mission. 

The Scripture instructs us to “Go” and that powerful command is not modified in any way. We are not to ‘go’ if… if we are happy, if we are sad, if we are passionate, if we are rich, or poor, or “called or equipped, we are to Go, and as we are going we are to give the good news of Jesus Christ!

May we go without self-imposed limits and, may we go fully equipped by our local Churches! 

With much love,AE4CC7DA-43B8-4EB7-BAB4-3FE9CA162129 The Downings

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