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Librophiles Unite!

We love books. We love reading good books. We love writing books. We love giving books away! The right book given to the right person at the right time will not only change the life of the recipient but also the lives of the people whom the recipient connects with.

A little confession: Somewhere in the basement of Cordell and Darlene Downing’s house in Ohio are stacks of boxes filled with books. Books that we could not fit into our suitcases when we moved to Ecuador. Our books take up a full one half of Timothy’s parent’s basement….we also have a full storage building full of books!

We hope one day to reclaim many of those beloved volumes. Especially Timothy’s collection of old Church of God writings.

This year at the Seminary intensive we are delighted to give our students a plethora of good books. We have spent the year collecting books and one Church donated significantly to purchase books that will help our Church leaders in various ways.

Some of our collection of good books and class notes that will be given to our students at this year’s Seminary intensive!
How many books can you recognize?
This is only some of the books that will help transform the lives of our church leaders this year! More are on the way!
Good books (in this case The Good Book) in a person’s heart language (in this case Quechua) changes lives!

Are you a librophile? If you believe in the transformative power of good books like we do, we have a wounderful opportunity for you! Will you please help us be able to continue giving life changing books to our brothers and sisters who are in ministry here in Ecuador? We need you to click here and donate $5, $10, $20 (or more) to our Seminary fund. This will ensure that we can keep doing this worthy ministry!

Friends, we love representing you in your extended ministry to Ecuador. We love being the hands and feet of Christ’s Body here just as you are His hands and feet where you live. Thank you for supporting , praying and encouraging us along the way!

With much love, The Downings

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